Chapter 1013- Send you on your way
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1013- Send you on your way

Wind and Rain.

The name of this scroll was Wind and Rain.

From the name, you could tell that it was a spell scroll. It was also a rare double magic scroll.

Typically speaking, intermediate and basic wheels gave support scrolls like stat, summoning, and skill scrolls. There were very few active scrolls that had attack or defense stats.

Such scrolls would usually appear on advanced wheels.

Ye Zhongming knew that there were some very strong attack scrolls on level eight and nine wheels. Although they wouldn’t be able to wipe out the land, it was enough to destroy a base.

Such attacks were mostly magic attacks.

Wind and Rain was such a scroll. Ye Zhongming looked at the introduction and had a rough understanding of its strengths. This scroll was a one-time-use large-scale killing weapon. After using it, it would wipe out everything in a range.

When activated, this scroll would cause mixed damage and was stronger than ordinary magic scrolls.

But it was sealed.

The reason why Ye Zhongming had never seen it before was because he had never heard of sealed scrolls.

Fortunately, the unsealing method was… Swallowing other scrolls.

This means that you just needed to use such elemental magic scrolls to sacrifice to this scroll to unseal it.

Ye Zhongming estimated that it had to be from an intermediate wheel; if not, it wouldn’t be able to be unsealed.

To be honest, if Ye Zhongming were alone, he wouldn’t be too interested in it.

Firstly, he couldn’t use it. This meant that it was a waste of a reward. Secondly, who knows how many elemental scrolls you had to use to unlock it? The value of these scrolls might be higher than this. It would be a loss if the scrolls were more valuable than this.

But when Ye Zhongming wanted to close the scroll, he saw a small progress bar at the top of the scroll. Around 10% of it was filled.

Bachelet probably planned to unlock it; as for why he gave up… Ye Zhongming knew the answer. He probably didn’t know how many scrolls he had to sacrifice, and after realizing it was a huge amou

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