Chapter 1014- Soul Raising Scroll
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1014- Soul Raising Scroll

Not long after the group left Saint City, the battle horn that had long not been sounded was blown.

Royal Army guards, the first royal family battle squad, the two strongest battle squads in Saint City, and three slave armies lined up on the square.

Many Saint City people rushed over to see what happened.

But these few squads headed out immediately, and those curious people were blocked in the city.

Barachet shivered and followed the team. He didn’t understand why the team had to bring him.

No one discovered his trade with the Chinese, so why were they bringing him?

The blue equipment and strong puppet didn’t give him confidence and courage. He was still very timid and feared many things.

But he was still a six-star evolved. Moreover, he didn’t fear the ruler much. That old man treated him well and even gave him some scrolls to sell.

So he hesitated for a while before finding the ruler. He didn’t want to know why he was asked along but wanted to know if he could return.

Those guards naturally wanted to stop him, as not everyone could meet the king. But after reporting it, his majesty still decided to meet him.

The South American bent his back and entered the luxurious carriage.

The red lion that the guard captain mentioned was pulling the carriage.

“Your Majesty, respected your majesty, hello. Will the gods forever protect you?”

He knelt before him sincerely.

Right, he knelt.

This six-star evolved actually knelt before the old king.

The king sat on a giant throne and smiled at Barachet.

There were a dozen more people in the carriage. Apart from the king, there was also the guard captain who bullied him, a few battle squad leaders, and the king’s favorite son.

These people smiled at this South American.

Barachet took one look before lowering his head. For some reason, he had a bad feeling.

“Barachet, why did you come to find me?” The King Ahmed asked.

When he saw this person kneel, Ahmed felt satisfied. The feeling of being respected felt really good.

Most people hated the apocalypse and loved

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