Chapter 1015- Hunter's identity
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1015- Hunter's identity

Maybe due to the language barrier, Sheikha Saeed was first stunned before he understood what Ye Zhongming meant.

His expression changed, and his mouth opened. He looked around and saw that Cloud Peak’s female warriors had surrounded his team. If Ye Zhongmnig gave the order, Sheikha Saeed’s men would get killed.

Although Cloud Peak didn’t have as many warriors as him, he didn’t suspect they weren’t their match.

“Ye, what is the meaning of this? I am sincere in working with you. Since the start, I have given you Star Sand and the Space Stack Gate. After you came here, I also treated you well.”

Sheikha Saeed said, and his emotions slowly stabilized.

“You want to go against your word? Do you want to break our agreement? Ye, the gods will punish you!”

Ye Zhongming smiled and looked into the distance. That was where they came from.

“People will change, especially in the apocalypse; people change really quickly.” Ye Zhongming took the tablet that was connected to the Exquisite Floating Ball. He looked at the information and said, “I don’t deny you wanted to work with me. When I was your guest at your base, you planned to work with me. The fact that you gave me items showed that.”

Sheikha Saeed, “But?”

“But,” Ye Zhongming didn’t care, “When we got to the Saint City, or when you noticed that the Star Mother Wheel took back the Star Elf, you changed.”

“No, no, you understood wrongly. You misunderstand.” Shiekha Saeed denied. He shook his head helplessly.

“I am correct; I am more clear-headed than anyone. You changed because your interests have changed.” Ye Zhongming looked at the tablet.

“What we have discussed has changed, so we must define everything again. Thus, your heart changed.”

“You were afraid I would leave, so you thought of a solution like finding that prophet for help. You gave a rough position of the Star Elf so that I would follow you to Saint City. Actually, when you saw the mutated desert bug, you knew where the Star Elf went.”

His expression changed, but he remained calm. “All of these are just

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