Chapter 1016- Real enemy
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1016- Real enemy

Ahmed was very confident, as it had been long since he failed.

This world was very nice to him when he injected the one-star potion. He obtained a new life and was the king of this land.

This included this operation.

Those Chinese were stupid and would only add color to his rule.

So, he didn’t give up on entertainment during this journey.

For example, letting beautiful women dance, traditional artisans playing instruments, wine and cigarettes.

Ahmed felt that only this could get him close or surpass the kings of history.

Thus, when the squad gave a warning that they faced desert monsters, he was stunned. Only after a while did he smile.

“There is nothing dangerous in the desert; just clear them.”

No one dared to go against the king’s words, so the order was given, and the battle began.

The ones who attacked were naturally the slaves.

Although their names had the insulting word of being slaves, they were the core strength of Saint City.

The core of these squads came from the royal family. They were the branch members or servant families that had served the royal family.

Due to their oath during peacetime, they continued to serve. Of course, they had their own interests, and it was even more than peacetime.

The word slave naturally meant more. The true meaning was that all the ordinary warriors had the word scalded on them.

Things that were hard to imagine during peacetime should have disappeared in the apocalypse, but they became more prevalent here.

Religion and faith often gave one influence and control. If you weren’t affected, it was hard for you to imagine.

Since Ahmed gave the order, one of the three slave squads surged toward the seemingly small group of desert monsters.

The battle was smooth, and the desert monsters disappeared after a few dozen minutes. The slave army suffered few losses and gained many companion crystals. Everything seemed good.

But the problem came immediately. As they pushed forward, more desert monsters appeared.

The stench from the fights even drew more mutated life

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