Chapter 1017- Ye Zhongming's idea
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1017- Ye Zhongming's idea

“With the wheel as the center, the monsters are gathered around it. Although we drew many of them away, they were from one direction, and many desert monsters remain.”

Since sharing a bath with Ye Zhongming, Xia Bai and her men were closer to him. It wasn’t that they weren’t willing to get close to him in the past; they didn’t dare to, or rather, they respected him more.

Now, he was more like an older brother, someone they spent much time with, family, a loved one. This was the case, although many of them were older than him.

Daizhi said these. She disagreed with Ye Zhongming taking the risk. Many agreed. Their suggestion was for them to clear these monsters bit by bit, and only after it was safe would Ye Zhongming enter the wheel.

They couldn’t do anything about the dangers inside the wheel, but they could control them outside. They hoped to create conditions that would keep Ye Zhongming safer.

Apart from the majority's view, Xia Bai had her own thoughts. She wanted to head into the wheel instead of Ye Zhongming.

No one else would give that suggestion, not even Xia Bai. This meant that if Xia Bai succeeded, the Star Elf would belong to her. Even if you trusted someone, facing such a treasure, this sentence would draw suspicion.

Xia Lei and the others had high EQ and naturally wouldn’t touch this topic. But Xia Bai didn’t care. Her heart was never on the Star Elf but Ye Zhongming’s safety.

She wanted to take the risk for Ye Zhongming. After all, she was also a seven-star evolved. Even if she was slightly weaker than Ye Zhongming, it wasn’t a big gap. If even she couldn’t survive, then it would be a signal to Ye Zhongming not to enter.

As for getting the Star Elf. To Xia Bai, this was no different from Ye Zhongming getting it. She would still listen to him to use it as she felt like even she was Ye Zhongming’s, much less an elemental spirit.

Ye Zhongming could understand, so he rejected it.

It wasn’t because he was jealous that Xia Bai might get something good. He knew that if Xia Bai entered, there was a

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