Chapter 1018- Mother Wheel Space
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1018- Mother Wheel Space

A whistling sound passed into his ears. His movement caused it through the sky. He spread his body and charged down.

Compared to China, where buildings occupied large amounts of land, the vast desert seemed devoid of life. The two were different, but there was one thing Ye Zhongming felt was similar: the mutated lifeforms in the air were comparatively fewer.

If this were a forest, rainforest, mountain, or plain, Ye Zhongming wouldn’t dare to use this method. Before landing on the ground, he would be pecked by a flying lifeform and turned into white bones.

The Star Mother Wheel got bigger and bigger until he could touch it.

Ye Zhongming pressed the face of the wheel and used it to reduce his momentum. He twisted his body and then landed.

Thick sand provided good resistance for him.

Even Cloud Peak didn’t know that Cloud Peak would use this method to enter the tightly surrounded wheel. So when he landed, there was an empty region around the wheel.

Of course, this region was small, only around 20-30 square meters.

Before Ye Zhongming landed, he had already started to look at the face of the wheel.

The first impression he had was that it was similar to ancient circular coins with a hole. It wasn’t that the face had a hole but that the rewards were square. There were seven rows of seven, a total of 49. At the top of the wheel was one solo reward.

Ye Zhongming’s vision and thinking ability exceeded what ordinary people could understand. When he landed, he had a full understanding of the wheel.

Sheikha Saeed said that the wheel had 50 rewards. He didn’t lie about that. He even said that they got 13 of them. That was correct, as only 37 rewards remained.

But he couldn’t tell what they got from the wheel. Only a black circle was left in the rewards that were taken.

However, the remaining rewards caused Ye Zhongming’s eyes to light up.

Over half of the 37 rewards tempted Ye Zhongming.

One must know that he was already a seven-star evolved. His true strength was similar to level eight lifeforms. The thing that

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