Chapter 1019- Afterlife Clip
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1019- Afterlife Clip (Teaser)

Ye Zhongming found it weird and had no clue what was going on, so he stopped and didn’t continue forward.

He thought about it and stared at this fly-like palace. He hoped to find some information that could give him a clue.

But there was nothing. It was as if this palace was a flawless piece of art. It stood in the galaxy-like space.

Ye Zhongming sat down.

Although he was worried about the situation of Xia Bai’s battle squad and the Imperial City’s battle, he knew that his safety was more important. If he died here, that was what those who were related to him had to worry most about.

He thought about it and took the Clip-like thing he got from the wheel.

This was the only thing he thought had any connection with this place.

“Chaos Grade Afterlife Clip!”

Just the name alone shocked him.

This name was very majestic.

Although Ye Zhongming was unsure, he felt like equipment that received such names was very strong.

For example, Gate of Sacrifice, Ocean King Crown, Elemental Elf…

Afterlife was one type of name.

He looked at the green equip