Chapter 1020- So that was the case
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1020- So that was the case (Teaser)

Ye Zhongming naturally knew that the West Asians had entered the Star Mother Wheel; if not, they wouldn’t have been able to get the Star Elf.

But why did he bump into a palace the West Asians had already entered?

Was he supposed to continue to search for clues? Or was this a place where he shouldn’t have come?

Where should he go?

Many questions entered his mind and made him frustrated. He knew he would be trapped here if he couldn’t think of the answer. Not only would he not get the Star Elf, he would be exiled here.

So what was the answer?

He walked about the palace.

He didn’t let any corner go, and he didn’t notice anything.

He walked beside the corpse and imagined the battle. But apart from confirming that this corpse was strong, he still didn’t notice anything.


Ye Zhongming’s eyes lit up. He started to search. He picked up those broken white jade monster parts and pieced them together.

This needed patience and took a lot of time, but Ye Zhongming was very serious.

When he pieced the monster together, he understood something.