Chapter 1012.5- Sealed Scroll (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1012.5- Sealed Scroll (2)

He crafted this before. As large amounts of crystals and materials were used, his space had some spare space for him to place it in.

As for why he didn’t complete it, it was because of Red Hair and the twin’s silver zombie.

Ya Ni didn’t react when she saw copper zombies, but she would attack any silver zombie she saw.

Due to Ya Tian and her, as well as the equipment, they were around level six. No silver zombie was her match, and Ye Zhongming couldn’t stop her.

Red Hair was more direct and didn’t even let copper zombies go. When she first met Ya Ni, if not for Ye Zhongming stopping them, they would have killed each other. Ye Zhongming used secret methods so that the two of them could exist peacefully. But, she didn’t allow Ye Zhongming to control copper zombies. Those that were created now ended up as the twins’ subordinates.

As for silver zombies, they didn’t allow them to exist.

Ye Zhongming didn’t understand why and could only guess that it was like how only children didn’t want another sibling.

So after he made this silver zombie, he placed it in slumber. He didn’t expect it to be useful here.

He made some preparations on the silver zombie’s body and told Bachelet to drip his blood into its veins. Moments later, this male zombie opened its eyes. It looked at Ye Zhongming first and then Bachelet before walking to his side. The South American was delighted.

Now, Bachelet believed that Ye Zhongmnig was honest. He had gained control of the silver zombie. Even if he canceled the deal, this puppet would still be his.

Of course, he wouldn’t cancel it. For some reason, he felt like this Chinese guy could kill him easily if he wanted to.

Bachelet waved his hands, and very quickly, those scrolls appeared by Ye Zhongming’s feet. He checked and confirmed that those were the ones he saw that day and kept them.

Both sides had space equipment with their own marks. This ensured that the trade was able to go ahead smoothly. Even if your space equipment was stolen, there wasn’t a high chance you could open it without

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