Chapter 1012- Sealed Scroll
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1012- Sealed Scroll

Bachelet’s body shook instinctively, and his expression became unnatural.

The guard squinted his eyes and pushed Bachelet back into the room.

He was also a six-star, but his attitude towards Bachelet was not like he was treating someone at the same level. He was rude.

He looked around and said coldly, “I heard that you talked a lot to those from the East today; what did you talk about?”

Bachelet was terrified by this guard captain. He instinctively shrugged when the captain exposed him.

The guard captain saw his reaction, and the disdain in his eyes grew even thicker.

How was this person on the same level as him? He was even an elite in West Asia? Just because of his Composer job, which would die if no one protected him?

He used his life to get his evolution potions, job, and skill scrolls. But what about this person? He just crafted some scrolls?


The guard captain always felt like this South American wasn’t worthy of his current status.

Of course, his majesty protected him, so he couldn’t kill him, but he could…. Bully him.

“I, I, didn’t say anything, didn’t say anything.”

Bachelet’s legs, hidden below his robe, started to tremble. He was shocked. He thought that no one knew about his trade with the Chinese.

If that was the case, then what would happen to him?

He started to be afraid, very afraid. He began to hate this royal family guard, Ye Zhongming, and himself. Why did he come here for a holiday when the apocalypse started?

“You didn’t say anything? Do you think I will believe you?” the guard captain got close to Bachelet such that his face was nearly before him, “His Majesty is waiting for my reply, so what should I tell him? His red lion’s appetite hasn’t been good recently, and he doesn’t like level five and below mutated lifeforms. Do you think it would like your flesh?”

A red figure appeared in his mind. Those red eyes and sharp teeth made its body tremble even more.

“I, I, I just talked to him… About scrolls.”

Maybe as he was afraid, he was stammering. After he said the word ‘talk,

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