Chapter 1011.5- Common Bath (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1011.5- Common Bath (2)

No choice; when a few dozen white female bodies were in front of you and surrounded you, there was no way you could keep calm.

“It is okay.” Xia Bai smiled and whispered to Ye Zhongming before swimming away. She wiped her body and wore her equipment before wearing her mask and heading out. She left the helpless Ye Zhongming.

“Wa, this statue is great; it looks alive; it should be from a Master.” A young female warrior looked at the statue i the middle and was dazzled.

“This shouldn’t be hard for evolved.” Xiao Min smiled and came to Ye Zhongming’s side. She rested on him and started to clean him.

“The things that are hard to get should be the flowers and ice cubes. Even if they had a relevant job user, it would waste mental energy. It is more luxurious to have these now than during peacetime.”

Daizhi went to the other side and learned from Xiao Min. She then started cleaning the other side of Cloud Peak’s leader.

“I recognize that wine; it is Screaming Eagle, a red wine from America. It isn’t cheap.”

“I don’t know wine; I only know these gold buckets. They are from Cartier, haha.”

“So rich, they are still so luxurious in the apocalypse. Just maintaining these alone would cost a lot.”

“You are wrong. It is because it is the apocalypse, which is why it is easier. If they can’t buy it, they can fight for it.”

“You are so violent!”

“Do you think Sheikha Saeed bought these maids and villas? Will he give them a salary?”

“That makes sense. Getting things in the apocalypse is much simpler, just that not many people are willing to do it.”

After the few dozen females entered the pool, they talked happily. They even played around… None of them looked at Ye Zhongming; it was as if he didn’t exist.

Xiao Min and Daizhi were the same. It was as if they weren’t serving Ye Zhongming but themselves.

What could Ye Zhongming say? Go away, only I can be here? But everyone had stripped, so must he chase them away? That was too heartless. Or stand up and leave? Wouldn’t they think that he didn’t like them? One must know th

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