Chapter 1011- Common Bath
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1011- Common Bath

Sheikha Saeed left again, but this time, it wasn’t to ask for help but to talk to his father in the palace. He left this place to Ye Zhongming for him to consider and then gave him a reply the next day.

Ye Zhongming did need some time to consider whether or not to continue. Tonight, he was going to meet that South American.

Sheikha Saeed’s home in Saint City was luxurious. Although it wasn’t as modern as the underground base, it had a middle-aged metallic metallic feel.


Very luxurious!

Only those two words could describe it.

The entire villa… Right, it was a villa. White jade and gold were the main colors. White and gold were the only two colors. The ground was white jade, the wall was white jade, the decorations were gold, and the items were gold.

Even after spending a few hours here, Ye Zhongming and many warriors still couldn’t get used to this style.

He told those maids who were wrapped in cloth that revealed most of their skin to leave. Xia Bai and the others took over the job of taking care of Ye Zhongming.

It wasn’t that they didn’t do a good job. They were professionals. But these female warriors were wary, and they didn’t allow any accidents to happen.

Ye Zhongming used the spare and thinking time well. He crafted equipment while considering whether to go to the Star Mother Wheel. He also started to craft the two blue equipment.

In the past, the failure rate when crafting blue equipment was high. Until now, the core members weren’t able to be fully equipped. Only soul members like Ye Zhongming, Xia Bai, Xia Lei, Park Xiuying, etc had. Apart from Ye Zhongming, the others weren’t a full set.

Due to the success rate, a piece of blue equipment might mean many wasted sets. If he was unlucky, the amount might be huge.

However, the success rate increased by 30% after the Intermediate Smith Heart.

That was terrifying. Even if he used the seals, the success rate was close to 40-50%.

So, he only failed once when crafting the two pieces. He was quite lucky.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming was done

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