Chapter 1010.5- Composer (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1010.5- Composer (2)

The first option was out, so only the second was left.

In this world, only a couple of jobs could create scrolls. Each job was rare. Out of these jobs, there was only one that was unique: Composer.

This South American had no killing aura around him, but his evolution level was high. He had no squad and was able to live well in Saint City.

The answer was obvious. He could only be a Composer. He didn’t head out to hunt but had the rights and riches to evolve quickly.

Ye Zhongming even felt like he probably gave the ruler of Saint City some scrolls every period of time, which was why he was protected. The job scrolls and skill scrolls were perhaps given to him by the ruler to sell.

After confirming the job, Ye Zhongming considered snatching this person to Cloud Peak. But he knew doing so would cause animosity with Saint City, so he suppressed his urge.

“See, I will buy the status and stat scrolls; after that, you can create some to replenish. It won’t cause much of an effect, and you can gain some benefits immediately; why not?”

Ye Zhongming continued to tempt him, “I will give you some… Life-saving stuff.”

There were two definitions of strength in the apocalypse. The first was that you were powerful and could kill others. The other was that you had many life-saving equipment, and others couldn’t kill you.

This South American could be a Composer and sell scrolls for a living. What did that mean? Although he might not have been correct, it meant that this person was afraid of dying.

He sold scrolls here and did not rely on his job to stay in a comfortable place to enjoy food and women; this meant he didn’t want to be controlled.

Such a person hoped to be able to protect himself and even break out of someone else’s control.

Then, he would definitely be interested in some life-saving items.

After hearing Ye Zhongming’s words, he didn’t reject them. He stared at Ye Zhongming.

“A blue armor.”

His brow rose, and his eyes lit up. He pursed his lips and didn’t say anything.

“Blue pants.”

His breathing got rus

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