Chapter 203: Creating Rules (1)
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Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly Chapter 203: Creating Rules (1)

"Right now, you have the best opportunity to capture Er Gou. Even if you can't catch him, at least you'll earn a great merit."

"Are you asking me to use Xiao Xue as bait?"

"Exactly." Gu Yi nodded and said, "You can completely leak the news to Er Gou that Constantine III is coming."

"It might not work. Da Luoshan inviting Constantine for drinks is obviously a power for sex transaction. What if the police find out? What if Da Luoshan blames me and tries to catch me?"

Gu Yi fell silent, but Kanon immediately picked up the conversation.

"Don't think about Da Luoshan and Constantine with the mindset of a low-level citizen. As high-level citizens, they have immunity. Even if they break the law, they only need to pay the sentence.

Even if they are sentenced to ten million years, at most, they can make up for that ten million years in just one day.

They don't care about the police or the rules. What they care about is their reputation and their safety.

Think about it, if Er Gou finds out about the news himself and successfully assassinates Constantine while lurking at the nightclub, how much blame will the local security officials take?

You're actually just helping them."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yi's eyes brightened, and he continued to add:

"Kanon is right, but not entirely.

Given Er Gou's ability, he is very likely to investigate Constantine's movements on his own. Even if he doesn't, he might notice something unusual while staking out the red-light district daily.

But if you take the initiative to inform Er Gou about this, and at the same time inform the police to ambush him, then the credit for capturing Er Gou will go to you.

However, this will also make you a whistleblower.

This power for sex transaction is not something that can be openly discussed. Although it's an open secret, if you blow this thing up, it will ultimately be disgraceful. If Constantine and Da Luoshan want to hold someone accountable, the police will definitely push you out.

This is a danger, but also an opportunity."

"Constantine an

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