Chapter 202: The Power of Words
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Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly Chapter 202: The Power of Words

Dennis simply recounted the rise of Constantine and the origins of the citizen hierarchy system, also mentioning a few novels that had made a deep impression on him.

"Constantine really likes stories, so he encourages literary creation among the citizens, but I think this is just to provide lower-class citizens with a pacifier, to encourage literary creation.

The novels hardly ever have templates of ordinary people turning the tables; they mostly degrade lower-class citizens to highlight the upper-class ones.

Lower-class citizens are always portrayed as ignorant and foolish, while upper-class citizens are always foresighted.

The protagonists are usually ruthless, vengeful, and selfish."

Gu Yi stroked his chin and said:

"It’s a cunning tactic.

Over time, lower-class citizens brainwashed by these stories will forget to resist. Instead, they will empathize with their exploiters and dream that one day they too could become exploiters.

They will forget that they are the real providers and contributors, while the upper-class citizens are parasitic, living off their efforts. These upper-class citizens didn’t achieve their status through effort but through lineage.

They will come to see themselves as ignorant, believe it's justified for the upper-class to exploit them, and think that hedonism is the ultimate escape. They will always be just a backdrop to the upper-class."

Gu Yi helplessly rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Kanon frowned upon hearing Gu Yi’s analysis.

Wasn’t her own success also due to her family's fame?

If she didn't have a good father, even if she slept with every director in Sakura Country, she couldn’t become a star. No, more likely, a director wouldn’t even spare her a glance, and even sharing a drink with extras would be difficult.

Dennis glanced at Kanon and continued:

"Oh, there's one more important thing. I found a handwritten note in the suggestion notebook, it said—'Believe in the power of words.' I don’t know if this phrase is useful or if it’s a hint for the dungeon?"


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