Book 01 Chapter 06.03 - Whale Song
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After leaving the cemetery, Xing Mo took a carriage back to the Northern District, and then aimlessly wandered the streets.

September in the Citadel saw significant fluctuations in temperature. Mornings were cool, but by noon, it was hot enough to soak formal attire in sweat. Therefore, most gentlemen and ladies tended to avoid walking the streets as much as possible, fearing the changing temperature might harm their health.

Xing Mo, however, didn't mind this. She liked to wander the streets by herself.

Whenever there was nothing to do, she would go out for a stroll.

Moreover, since there was a gentle drizzle at this time, she bought an umbrella from a roadside grocery store. Then, with the umbrella in her hand, she walked leisurely in the drizzle, listening to the rain's melody.

At the same time, Xing Mo kept thinking about Steam Man, trying to piece together the truth about the creature from the clues she got so far.

A ghost that can appear in different places in a short span of time, and can even sneak into the academy without being noticed...

How did he do that? Did he fly? If that were the case, there should be witnesses. But there were no such reports at all.

Did he use the underground water pipes? That could explain his two appearances in the White Tower District. However, Nevirabeta Magic Academy and the Citadel are separated by a strait...

"There aren't enough clues..." Xing Mo muttered.

Lost in thought, she suddenly realized she already passed through Splash Street, where Miriam's apartment was located, and entered Flame Street on the outskirts of the Northern District.

It was a fairly remote street, where regular carriages and steam railway routes didn't pass through, thus seeing little flow of people.

Many nobles and affluent merchants liked to purchase properties in this area, occasionally visiting here for vacation to enjoy the unique tranquility of the Northern District.

Of course, it was the kind of tranquility only reserved to the wealthy.

Walking along Flame Street, Xing Mo let her m

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