Book 01 Chapter 06.02 - Whale Song
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Lucius glanced at Xing Mo, and a gratified smile appeared on his lips: "You, like Miriam, are a good kid, burdening yourself with such a heavy burden despite your young age."

His posture was somewhat stooped, lacking the previous vigor.

"Instructor, are you alright?" Xing Mo scrutinized the instructor's face.

"It's nothing, just a minor injury, nothing important." Lucius shook his head, "What's important is... our troubles have multiplied..."

"It's Steam Man, isn't it?" Xing Mo's eyes dimmed a little.

"That's right. When he attacked me, I saw him break free from the binds of the academy's string formation." Lucius recalled that day's incident, "He's at least six string rank, possibly even approaching Demigod rank..."

Approaching Demigod rank...? No wonder he was able to run away after being hit by Aurora's spear...

"We still don't know if he is inherently that strong, or if the steam armor made him that strong." Lucius murmured, "But the important thing is... the Church still can't explain how he managed to unleash successive strikes in the White Tower District and the academy. You see, the three attacks that night occurred within half an hour, without triggering any defensive magic. He even showed up Nevirabeta's Rear Gardens..."

"Perhaps not unlike in the urban legend, he is the ghost of the Steam Revolution, a specter." Lucius smiled mockingly.

"Come on, Instructor, we'll catch him sooner or later." Xing Mo comforted.

A chilly wind blew past and raised ripples across the lawn, making it seem like the two were standing on a rippling lake.

Looking up at the gray sky, Lucius adjusted the collar of his trench coat, his baritone voice intermittent: "I... recognize the device on his body."

"What?" Xing Mo turned her head abruptly.

She met the instructor's lake-blue eyes—now a dark shade of blue, resembling vast seas swirling whirlpools.

"The steam alchemy machine formation on his body, I recognize it." Lucius's voice was hoarse, "It's the prototype that was activated the day Miriam died. The culprit who

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