Book 01 Chapter 06.04 - Whale Song
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Xing Mo felt perplexed by the series of riddle. The girl in front of her clearly had no intention of disclosing her real identity.

In the end, she decided to speak frankly: "Yes, what's been bothering me is indeed Steam Man. He's elusive, like a specter, striking three people located far apart in a short period of time, and one of them was located in Nevirabeta Magic Academy."

"According to the instructor, that guy must be at least six string rank, and may even be approaching Demigod rank. If he goes off the rails, half of the Citadel may be in peril."

After Xing Mo finished speaking, the proprietress was quiet for a while, before speaking softly: "You said he's like a specter, but what if he's actually a specter?"

The proprietress's words exploded in Xing Mo's mind like thunder, causing her to crease her brow as she considered the possibility.

A specter... that would indeed explain how he was able to appear at three places in such a short span, without being seen by anyone, and even bypass Nevirabeta's string magic formations...

"But I have seen him, and he does have physical form..." Xing Mo said, "Specters can't disappear together with a physical form, can they?"

"What if he can transition between physical and spectral forms?" The proprietress's voice flowed like a stream.

"This sounds... inconceivable..." Xing Mo muttered.

At this time, the pink-haired maid came over with a tray and placed a cup of coffee in front of Xing Mo.

"Thank you." Xing Mo nodded and gave her thanks, and the maid smiled back and walked away.

Xing Mo picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip, and its bittersweet taste, accompanied by a warm and silky sensation, spread in her mouth.

She even added the right amount of sugar... how did she know...

When Xing Mo put down her coffee, the proprietress opposite her continued to say: "The truth is hidden within fragments. Flawed deductions only introduce impurities. To gleam the truth, you have to eliminate the impurities and look for the source."

Eliminate impurities... look for

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Translator Notes

Interesting tidbit, the protagonist of the author's previous work is called Perlis