Chapter 276.2: The Domesticated Eternal Night Queen (2)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 276.2: The Domesticated Eternal Night Queen (2)

First of all, Hedwig had learned magic.

Hedwig could create divinity crystals and had mastered many mid to low-level crystal spells without a teacher. Furthermore, she was still improving.

At the same time, because Hedwig consumed the God Ascension Crystals, the color of her fur was completely fixed.

The hair on her hair and tail turned golden.

At the same time, due to her increasing love and obedience to Rayne, her domesticated state deepened and solidified.

Right now, Hedwig seemed to have been isolated from the wolf species.

She snuggled up to Rayne obediently every day and followed him. She played games with Rayne and did what Rayne wanted her to do. Thereafter, she enjoyed the rewards she received after obeying her master and treated them as everything in her life.

Hedwig was truly… changing in the direction of a dog.

If Rayne teased her about the fact that she was becoming a dog, she would not get angry. Instead, she would whisper a soft "woof" into Rayne's ear shyly and gently.

She was like a bloody giant golden retriever.

However, Hedwig made an enemy amidst her happy new life in Cowper City.

It was none other than True Ancestor 3, Cowper.

To begin with, it was only natural that Cowper did not have a good impression of Hedwig, the culprit who destroyed the vampires back then.

Furthermore, wild beasts in their estrous cycles were thirsty beyond imagination. Towards this blondie who snatched her man, Cowper's attitude was naturally murderous.

However, Hedwig had a calm expression in the face of Cowper's repeated provocations and merely responded with a broad smile.

That's right.

Hedwig did not take Cowper seriously at all.

Back then, if not for the fact that Tyrapotter stabbed Cowper in the back and forced her to fight to the death with Hedwig, the end result would have merely been a few more wounds on Hedwig.

Of course.

As much as she felt hatred, her hunger had to be satiated as well.

During this period of time, Cowper would still visit Rayne on time every day and get hands-on with the food procurement proc

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Novel Notes

Hi guys, would really appreciate if you could write a review for this book if you've enjoyed it. Even if you didn't, would be nice hearing your thoughts as well!

Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)