Chapter 276.1: The Domesticated Eternal Night Queen (1)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 276.1: The Domesticated Eternal Night Queen (1)

Unable to maintain his fighting spirit against the powerful output of the mechagod disruptor, Pseudogod Prosperity finally retreated in defeat against the strongest experts of the wolves and vampires. In the end, he chose to retreat.

When Pseudogod Prosperity escaped, Sharley and Hedwig did not chase after her.

This time round, Sharley's mission was not to defeat Prosperity, but to save Hedwig.

Now that the goal was achieved, Hedwig and Sharley opened a teleportation gate and returned to Cowper City.

They passed through the deep dimensional rift.

Hedwig stepped into this unfamiliar city once more—Cowper City.

This was the second time Hedwig had visited this place in 300 years.

The last time she came to Cowper City, she pierced through the dome of the city as an intruder and almost killed the queen of the vampires.

Naturally, her visit this time round attracted a lot of attention.

The arrival of the queen of the wolf pack made the vampires extremely nervous. Although Tyrapotter had considered hiding this matter, she knew that such lies to her clansmen would only cause an even greater panic in the future.

Finally, under the gazes of everyone, True Ancestor 1, Sharley, personally brought her enemy of the vampires for 300 years into the city.

The vampires glared at Hedwig with hostility and reverence.

Towards these gazes that were either filled with fear, hatred or admiration…

Hedwig turned a blind eye and did not care at all.

She had already been domesticated by a human and was no longer the queen of the wolf pack.

Her feud with these vampires and even her relationship with humans had come to an end.

Right now, she only wanted to see one person.

In the bustling crowd, Hedwig caught a whiff of his scent and followed it. Finally, she caught sight of her lover.

Rayne Haines welcomed Hedwig with a smile.

Her lover's smile made the troubles and sadness in Hedwig's heart disappear instantly.

She walked quickly to Rayne and looked at his face in surprise.

After not seeing him for a few days, Rayne still

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Translator Notes

Hi guys, have been really busy with personal stuff and honestly, need a while to settle down. Would probably only be updating sporadically for a bit.

Novel Notes

Hi guys, would really appreciate if you could write a review for this book if you've enjoyed it. Even if you didn't, would be nice hearing your thoughts as well!

Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)