Chapter 1015 - Tier 7 at Last
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I did it?

Shi Feng couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the system notification.

He had only been flogging a dead horse when he decided to replace the Law of Destruction with the Miniature Abyssal World. After all, with the time he had left, he hadn't had many attempts left.

However, his last-ditch attempt had not only achieved a Fusion Rate exceeding 70% but even reached 96%. Although he didn't know how great a 96% Fusion Rate was compared to other players who had successfully advanced to Tier 7, he was more than happy to accept it.

Tier 7!

This was a realm no player from the human race's Greater God's Domain had ever reached. Even if he had achieved only a 70% Fusion Rate, he would've accepted it without hesitation, let alone a 96% Fusion Rate.

There was no doubt that any player who successfully reached Tier 7 stood among the strongest players in God's Domain. They would become an existence revered by players of all races. They could trade blows with bona fide Primordial Gods. They were vastly superior to half-baked Tier 6 Divine Set users.

After returning to his senses, Shi Feng promptly chose to fuse with the Advanced World he had created.

Immediately afterward, he felt the Advanced World connecting with his Divine Body, causing his Divine Body to produce and supply the Advanced World with dense mana. He no longer had to commit much of his mental capacity to control and maintain the Advanced World.

One minute… Two minutes… Ten minutes…

As the Advanced World connected itself with all of the mana supply points in Shi Feng's Divine Body, it began to refine the mana in his body. As this happened, Shi Feng felt his body heating up like a furnace.

This process continued for nearly a day when Shi Feng suddenly felt like he had become a different person—lighter and more comfortable, as if an invisible weight had been removed from his body.

System: World fusion completed. Your World Power has reached the Gold rank. Any Skills and Spells used within your World will have their Completion Rates increased by 10%. You h

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