Chapter 1016 - New Overlord
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Eternal Realm, primordial civilization city:

Shi Feng appeared in the Teleportation Tower in a flash of light, a massive headache assaulting him as he stepped out of the teleportation array.

Why is the trip back so much rougher? If my Concentration hadn't reached Tier 7, I would probably have fainted by now, Shi Feng thought to himself as he looked at the fading crimson space-time passage behind him with lingering fear.

From the moment the old man sent Shi Feng into the space-time passage until he exited, he felt as if someone had repeatedly hacked at his soul with a blade. The excruciating experience would've been unbearable for the average person.

Shi Feng even suspected that he might have suffered Soul Annihilation had he undergone this experience when he was still at Tier 6, and he would never have reached the Primordial Abyssal God's Promotion Land.

However, Shi Feng soon forgot about his headache when he stepped out of the Teleportation Tower and saw the street before him. More specifically, his attention was drawn to the many shops, high-end hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. that lined the sides of the street. They were all Advanced Constructions that had dozens of floors.

Additionally, he saw many high-ranking caravans and high-level players traversing the street. Most of these players were Level 230 or above, including quite a few Level 240 experts. There were also Mysterious-Iron Flying Ships sailing everywhere over the city. He even spotted 1,000-meter-long Flying Ships from time to time. This situation dumbfounded him.

The current primordial civilization city looked nothing like a recently established Guild City. It looked more prosperous than even the Holy Cities outside the Eternal Realm.

How long was I away? Shi Feng couldn't help but wonder if he had returned to the wrong world when he saw the wares of the various shops.

Many shops lining the street sold Level 240-plus Taboo Legendary Weapons and Equipment. Some even sold Level 250 Taboo Legendary Equipment. This was not a sight he would dare to dream

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