Chapter 996 - Meeting Aqua Rose Again
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 996 - Meeting Aqua Rose Again

"So many powers and players have come." Phoenix Rain was taken aback when she saw the sea of players outside the Demon God Forest. "Guild Leader, is it fine for us to bring only 100 players?"

Every major power here had shown up with at least 1,000 experts. Some had even mobilized over 10,000 experts. In contrast, Zero Wing only came here with a 100-man team. With so few players, Zero Wing's team might even be mistaken for one of the spectating independent teams.

"We're here to raid a Taboo Boss, not to fight the Demon Gods in the Demon God Forest. There's no point in bringing so many players," Shi Feng said nonchalantly as he looked at the various powers' teams.

The Twenty-Two Taboos were not your average Boss. Aside from sixth-floor experts, those under Level 240 would serve little purpose in a fight against one of the Twenty-Two Taboos. They might not even live long enough to face the Taboo Boss.

The Twenty-Two Taboos weren't considered disasters just because of their frightening Basic Attributes but also because of the unique World Laws they had mastered. These unique World Laws prevented players from damaging the Twenty-Two Taboos unless their technique or overall strength had reached a certain standard. Not to mention, their opponent this time was the 14th-ranked Undying Mother.

The players Shi Feng brought were all Level 240-plus experts Zero Wing had recruited from the remnant primordial world. They were equipped with the Level 240 Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment Sets that Zero Wing had obtained from trading with Dragon's Crown and enhanced using Intermediate Divine Strengthening Scrolls. They were also equipped with the Combat-ranked Behemoth Secret Treasure Set. In terms of Basic Attributes, they could rival the various apex and royal powers' Level 240 elite experts.

However, he didn't bring these experts to have them fight the Undying Mother. They were simply here to ward off the Demon Gods that might get in the way. After all, as the habitat of Demon Gods, the Demon God Forest was crawling with Demo

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