Chapter 995 - Taboo Crusade
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The last Primordial God to be born?

From what Shi Feng had learned about the human race's Greater God's Domain in his previous life, the last Primordial God to be born in God's Domain should either be the Goddess of Space or the God Slayer. Hence, unprecedented joy and excitement filled him when he heard Umbra Talon's words.

According to the Tier 7 Promotion Land Scroll's description, the Promotion Land players used to conduct their Tier 7 promotion significantly impacted their chances of advancing to Tier 7. The stronger the Promotion Land's owner, the greater the chances players could advance to Tier 7. As the Tier 7 Promotion Land Scroll only teleported players to the nearest Promotion Land, the quality of the Promotion Land that players got was random.

However, if players could determine the location of a Tier 7 Promotion Land beforehand, they would no longer be at the whims of the Tier 7 Promotion Land Scroll's randomness.

Originally, Shi Feng had considered using the Inferior Divine Promotion Land Scroll's extra opportunity to try his luck. But now, it would seem that was unnecessary.

Regardless of whether the Promotion Land in the remnant primordial world belonged to the Goddess of Space or the God Slayer, both were excellent options. After all, the two had already been incredibly strong, even before they evolved into Primordial Gods. It went without saying they would become even stronger after they ascended to the realm of Primordial Gods.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that their Promotion Lands were the best places for human players to challenge their Tier 7 promotion.

Now, all he needed to do was obtain the Undying Mother's Undying Tentacle. Then, he could use the Promotion Land Scroll to teleport to either the Goddess of Space's Promotion Land or the God Slayer's Promotion Land. He wouldn't even need to gain the Promotion Land's acknowledgment like everyone else.

"Guild Leader Black Flame, I assure you that Zero Wing isn't being short-changed," Umbra Talon explained when he saw the stunned look o

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