Chapter 980 - New City
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"Taking over Holy Hymn City?" Red Frost thought Shi Feng was joking with her when she heard his question. With a wry smile, she said, "Guild Leader Black Flame, I am not trying to cast doubt on Zero Wing's strength, but taking control of a first-tier mobile city, let alone a top-ranking first-tier city, is not easy.

"Setting aside whether the Great Commander and Holy Dragon Spear's other executives will be interested, the family corporations financially supporting the adventurer team will never allow such an action. Every top-ranking first-tier city in the Greater World has existed for a long time. Virtually every power and family based in such a city has a vested interest in the city's prosperity.

"Should Holy Dragon Spear try to monopolize Holy Hymn City, those family corporations will stop supplying funds or resources to the adventurer team. At that time, Holy Dragon Spear will struggle to even survive, not to mention compete with the city's other pseudo-apex powers."

Every pseudo-apex power required an astronomical amount of money and resources to operate. While Holy Dragon Spear might be an adventurer team, it was no exception to this rule.

Unfortunately, despite having achieved great success in God's Domain, Holy Dragon Spear still wasn't self-sustainable. Although the adventurer team generated significant revenue from operating Guild Cities, producing and selling weapons and equipment, and accepting commissions, it still wasn't anywhere near enough to cover the adventurer team's operating costs.

If Holy Dragon Spear were to lose the money and resources of Holy Hymn City's corporations, many of its members would no longer be able to afford to live in Holy Hymn City. And if Holy Dragon Spear were to lose these members, how was it supposed to compete with Holy Hymn City's other pseudo-apex powers?

Of course, it had to be said that it was the dream of all pseudo-apex powers to monopolize a top-ranking first-tier city. This could even be considered one of the prerequisites to becoming an apex power. After all, if

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