Chapter 981 - Connecting to the Remnant Primordial World
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 981 - Connecting to the Remnant Primordial World

Eternal Realm, Shadowring Town:

When Shi Feng came online and was about to give Blackie a call, he received a call request from the person himself.

"I was just about to call you. I didn't think you would call me first. Did something happen again?" Shi Feng asked, chuckling as he looked at the ugly expression Blackie wore.

Zero Wing had just obtained Evil Nature's treasury, so Blackie should be excitedly counting their harvest right now. After all, he had been racking his brain on how to get Silent Wonder the God Crystals she needed. The haul of God Crystals they obtained from Evil Nature's treasury should have alleviated his concerns. Yet, Blackie looked even more concerned than before they plundered Evil Nature's treasury.

"Exactly. I was even in the middle of counting how many God Crystals we got this time," Blackie said, exasperated. "I don't know what's going on with Evil Nature, but it tripled its bounty on Zero Wing and even opened it to players of all three races. None of our guild members dare to leave Shadowring Town without ample preparation."

Evil Nature already placed a bounty on all players caught entering and leaving Shadowring Town when Evil Sky City still existed. Because of this, Zero Wing had to keep compensating its guild members with money and Life Potions. After all, players would suffer significant mental damage whenever they died in God's Domain. Without the assistance of Life Potions, they'd need at least a day before they could fully recover. Nobody in the current Eternal Realm could afford to lose so much progress.

Until the fall of Evil Sky City, Zero Wing had already burned through more than half of the eight million bottles of Life Potion that Shi Feng had obtained from eight of the Primordial Dragon Sanctuary's pseudo-apex powers. The Guild only had about three million bottles of Life Potion left in reserve. Moreover, this was after the Guild had limited the number of players grinding out in the fields. Otherwise, there might not even be three million bottles remaining.

Now that Evil N

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