Chapter 950 - Fourth Legacy
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"Chisha, what's wrong?" the middle-aged Cleric asked, surprised by Xuanwu Chisha's behavior.

As long-time companions in the Greater God's Domain, the middle-aged Cleric understood Xuanwu Chisha's character well. She was a calm and ruthless killing machine, and very rarely could anything shake her composure.

The other team members also looked at Xuanwu Chisha curiously, wondering what had excited the taciturn Iron Valkyrie.

"It's nothing. I just saw a fellow compatriot on the Divine Glory List," Xuanwu Chisha said, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief as she looked at the name occupying the Divine Glory List's sixth place.

"Someone else from your homeworld entered the Divine Glory List?" The middle-aged Cleric grew envious when he heard Xuanwu Chisha's answer. "Your world is really amazing. That should be the second person from your homeworld to have entered the Divine Glory List, right? You yourself have even entered the top 100. In contrast, I am the only one struggling to support my world. I hope I can get some help soon."

Following the middle-aged Cleric's words, the other team members also expressed their envy.

It was incredibly difficult for players new to the Greater God's Domain to establish themselves. This remained true even after they had grown strong enough to enter the Divine Glory List.

Their team was a small team established by a group of mediocre powers. Besides obtaining resources for their respective God's Domains, their goal in forming this team was to better explore the Greater God's Domain, develop their strength, and resist the teams of other powers.

For players originating from the same God's Domain, they would undoubtedly have an easier time developing if they could have more companions of equal strength. At the very least, they wouldn't have to worry about getting persecuted by the various powers just to obtain some resources.

"Big Sis Chisha, what is that person's rank?" a petite girl, a Level 230 Berserker, asked curiously. "Did they get into the top 300? I heard that anyone who manages

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Pantsu Hero Alice (PHA)
After Being Bent By Reader (ABBR)(Yuri/GL, Urban)
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)