Chapter 949 - Top Ten Experts
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"Lunar River? Who is this?" Frost Raven was stunned again when she saw who was ranked second on the Divine Glory List. No matter how much she searched her memories, she couldn't recall any information on the player named Lunar River.

Although the Seven Luminaries Alliance's Divine Glory List would see significant changes in every iteration, that was only true for the bottom ranks. As for the top 100 ranks, it wouldn't be strange for them to remain the same for several months or even a year. As for the top 10 ranks, it had already been years since a change occurred.

Yet, the Divine Glory List's top two ranks were now under different ownership. Moreover, they were occupied by experts Frost Raven had never heard of.

Before today, Solitary Warlord, the former number one on the Divine Glory List, had defended his position for over a decade. He was also the youngest expert to join the Seven Luminaries Alliance's Senate, becoming one of the Alliance's twelve Grand Elders. Even Spear Paradise, the former number ten on the Divine Glory List and Scarecrow Fox's Great Commander, couldn't survive more than three moves against Solitary Warlord. It was also rumored that Solitary Warlord was very close to becoming a Mortal God.

But now, Solitary Warlord occupied neither first nor second place on the Divine Glory List. This situation made Frost Raven seriously doubt the validity of the Divine Glory List before her.

Just as Frost Raven was about to express her skepticism to Azure Dragon, she suddenly noticed the addition of a Combat Power Evaluation section to the Divine Glory List. Immediately, she inspected the evaluations of Purgatory Jade and Lunar River.

1st - Purgatory Jade - Sixth-Floor Expert

2nd - Lunar River - Overlimit Expert

"How is this possible?!" Frost Raven gawked at the two's evaluations.

The sixth-floor standard, also known as the Mortal God standard, was an unattainable goal for most experts in the human race's Greater God's Domain. If Frost Raven hadn't witnessed a sixth-floor expert in the Continental Championsh

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TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
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