Chapter 951 - Pseudo-Tier 7 Mana
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Shadowring Town, Zero Wing's Residence:

After applying the Eternal God Crystal's buff[1] on himself, Shi Feng began to interpret the mana fluctuations from the stone tablet's engravings. In no time, bits and pieces of information appeared in his mind.

Amazing! Shi Feng was shocked by the information he uncovered.

The Fourth Goddess Tablet recorded nine Legacies. Although that was much fewer than the Sixth Goddess Tablet, which recorded 24 Legacies, all nine were extraordinary.

The Fourth Goddess Tablet recorded as many as five Peak Gold Combat Techniques. It even recorded two Large-scale Gold Combination Techniques, something the various powers would die for.

Of these two combination techniques, one required 20 players to execute, while the other required 24. Both combination techniques could match Tier 6 Overlimit Skills in power when properly executed. However, unlike Overlimit Skills, these combination techniques did not have a Cooldown. So long as players had sufficient Concentration and Stamina, they could execute them indefinitely. In other words, these combination techniques could allow teams of 20 or 24 players to fight Overlimit experts.

Overlimit experts were exceedingly rare among the three races. Even in Shi Feng's previous life, only a handful of players could use Tier 6 Overlimit Skills and Spells. However, many players could execute Gold Combat Techniques. Any apex power could easily come up with a thousand such experts. This was equivalent to dozens of Overlimit experts. Not even royal powers could come up with such a lineup.

As for the Fourth Goddess Legacy's last two Legacies, both were Goddess-ranked Mana Techniques. That was one more Goddess-ranked Mana Technique than what the Sixth Goddess Tablet had.

After reading the introduction, Shi Feng excitedly interpreted the actual Legacies.

First Legacy... Nothing...

Second Legacy... Nothing...

Third Legacy... Nothing...

After interpreting mana fluctuations for nearly five hours, Shi Feng nearly broke down when he discovered that the details of eight

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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After Being Bent By Reader (ABBR)(Yuri/GL, Urban)
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
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