Chapter 940 - Siege Weapon
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When Ink Crystal's Twofold Thornstorm and Lunar River's Divine Cross Slash collided, a powerful space-time storm swept across Plot 079. However, Ink Crystal's fusion technique turned out weaker than Lunar River's Overlimit Skill, as the dazzling cross slash cut through the two vine lotus flowers like a hot knife through butter and continued toward Ink Crystal. Only after Ink Crystal followed up with another Twofold Thornstorm did she neutralize Lunar River's attack.

As soon as the Divine Cross Slash faded, Ink Crystal created another set of vine lotus flowers to attack Lunar River. Her Concentration was seemingly boundless, and she gave her opponent no room to breathe.

However, Lunar River had apparently anticipated Ink Crystal's attack, as by the time Ink Crystal's third Twofold Thornstorm was bearing down on her, she had already swung her jet-black greatsword nine times, launching nine dazzling sword lights that shredded the two vine lotus flowers.

Peak Gold Combat Technique, Nine Polar Flashes!




After Ink Crystal and Lunar River traded several dozen moves, the remaining two-thirds of Plot 079 shattered into dozens of small islands suspended in the air. The land of Plot 079 had been devastated, the sight stunning all spectating players.

"An entire plot of land got destroyed?!"

"Monsters! These two must be monsters!"

"Lunar River? Who is she? Why haven't I heard of her before?"

Besides Zero Wing's members, many of the players spectating from outside Everlasting City were also drawn by the activity at Plot 079. They had never thought a clash between two players could destroy a plot of land in Everlasting City. However, compared to the destruction, everyone was more surprised that Lunar River could hold her ground against Ink Crystal.

Ink Crystal's strength spoke for itself. She was strong enough to one-shot Garuda, even after he had reached the sixth-floor standard. Yet, even after several dozen exchanges, the outcome of the fight between Ink Crystal and Lunar River remained indeterminate. This was

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