Chapter 939 - Overlimit Skill
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As King's Paradise's members surrounded Ink Crystal's team, their eyes shone with eagerness, as if they hadn't witnessed Ink Crystal's display of power. Lunar River, the leader of King's Paradise's team, even appeared within 20 yards of Ink Crystal.

"As expected of the expert who killed Garuda. I didn't think you'd be able to detect us from such a distance," Lunar River said, smiling at Ink Crystal as she played with her ponytail. "Garuda was our original target, but since you've killed him and detected us, we'll have you become our new prey, Miss Ink Crystal!"

Lunar River's words caused a deathly silence to befall the area. Even Extreme Feather and the other surviving members of the Thunder Empire couldn't help but stare at Lunar River in disbelief.

"How dare she?" Hidden Soul was similarly astonished as she looked at Lunar River from a distance.

Everyone who had witnessed Ink Crystal's fight with Garuda should know how terrifying her strength was. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to call her a walking disaster.

While Lunar River's team might hold the numerical advantage, it wasn't big enough to offset Ink Crystal's strength advantage. After all, Ink Crystal was directly responsible for destroying one-third of Plot 079's land. She might not even break a sweat dealing with King's Paradise's 500-plus members.

When Savage Gods's members finished processing Lunar River's words, many burst into laughter, as if they had just heard the funniest joke in their lives.

"You want to treat us as prey? Are you sure you're not biting off more than you can chew?" Desert River scoffed. Without waiting for Ink Crystal to express her stance, he swung his stone cane at Lunar River.

Suddenly, a powerful compression acted on the space within a radius of several hundred yards, compressing it to the tip of Desert River's cane. The King's Paradise members within the affected area felt as if they carried a mountain on their backs, their bodies becoming indescribably heavy. All they could do in this situation was watch as Desert River's

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