Chapter 938 - Sixth-Floor Grading
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"He died?"


Everyone watching the fight was stunned when they saw Garuda's death. Extreme Feather, Garuda's confidant, was especially dumbfounded, her aloof expression replaced by one of disbelief.

Ink Crystal and Garuda were evenly matched just a second ago. Yet, Garuda was one-shotted a second later. This situation seemed like a joke no matter how Extreme Feather looked at it.

"How can there be such a huge difference between sixth-floor experts?" Fervent Samsara couldn't accept what he just witnessed.

Even during the last Continental Championship, Garuda was already regarded as the Holy Race's number one chosen one, his combat standard having reached the Half-step Mortal God standard. Now that he had reached the sixth-floor standard and fully equipped himself with Divine Artifacts, he should at least rank among the ten strongest experts of the three races, if not the strongest.

Yet, as soon as Ink Crystal went on the offensive, Garuda was one-shotted...

This development shattered Fervent Samsara's understanding of the sixth-floor standard.

"What do you think of the gap between the Refinement Realm and the Void Realm? Is it big?" Shi Feng did not offer Fervent Samsara an answer but posed a question instead.

"It's huge!" Fervent Samsara answered without hesitation.

The Refinement Realm was merely a starting point for players in the Greater God's Domain. To put it bluntly, players who had reached the Refinement Realm had only learned the basics of controlling their bodies: how to make subtle adjustments to their bodies so that they could execute movements more accurately.

However, the Void Realm was a completely different story. Players who had reached the Void Realm could constantly perceive everything in their immediate vicinity. A Refinement Realm expert would have no secrets in front of a Void Realm expert; no matter how perfectly a Refinement Realm expert executed their movements, a Void Realm expert would know everything they were doing. Void Realm experts could also locate and target the weak poi

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