Chapter 932 - Earth-Shattering
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"Are you trying to start a fight, Vocalist?!"

Holy Blood, the Sun Dynasty's First Holy Child, glared at Slumbering Vocalist. If not for Daystar being the commander of the Sun Dynasty's forces in Plot 066, he would have attacked Slumbering Vocalist on the spot.

Slumbering Vocalist was Evil Nature's number one chosen one. In terms of combat standard, he wasn't much better than Daystar, the Sun Dynasty's number one chosen one. However, ever since Daystar lost to Shi Feng, Slumbering Vocalist behaved like she had lost to him and made fun of her at every opportunity. This, in turn, made it seem like the Sun Dynasty was inferior to Evil Nature.

"Sure! Fight me if you dare!" Slumbering Vocalist said calmly as he glanced at Holy Blood, who was equipped with only Fragmented Divine Artifact-ranked equipment and a Divine Artifact-ranked weapon. "Let's see how many rounds you can last against me!"

"You're stronger than me now only because you have your Guild's Divine Artifacts to rely on. Do you think you'd be a match for me if we competed in combat standards?" Holy Blood said sarcastically, resisting the impulse to take action.

"So what? You're free to use your Guild's Divine Artifacts as well," Slumbering Vocalist said, chuckling. "But would the Sun Dynasty dare to bestow its Divine Artifacts on a person like you?"

"Vocalist, that's enough out of you," Daystar stated coldly when she noticed Holy Blood about to give in to his anger. "If you want to prove you are stronger than me, feel free to go after Black Flame. You can rest assured that the Sun Dynasty will never intervene."

"Never intervene?" Slumbering Vocalist smiled at Daystar's statement. "In that case, I'll deal with Black Flame on your behalf. I'll teach him that the Holy Race's chosen ones are superior to the human race's chosen ones in every aspect!"

"Suit yourself," Daystar said indifferently. "But let me warn you: do not underestimate Black Flame. Even during the Continental Championship, he never fought us with his full strength."

"Never fought with his full st

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Pantsu Hero Alice (PHA)
After Being Bent By Reader (ABBR)(Yuri/GL, Urban)
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)