Chapter 931 - World Idol
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"I don't know her. I've had people keep an eye on Zero Wing throughout this period, but this is the first time I've seen her. She should have joined Zero Wing only recently," Verdant Rainbow said, smiling wryly as she looked at Elder Martial, who very clearly wanted to seek guidance from Purgatory Jade.

"You don't know her?" Elder Martial stroked his white beard at Verdant Rainbow's answer. "Regardless, this is a good opportunity for us to get to know her. Unseeing Demon might have been defeated, but Evil Nature is still a royal power; a single Mortal God isn't enough to topple it. Have the Divine Luminary Legion reinforce Zero Wing in Plot 095 immediately!"

"Elder Martial, are we really going to mobilize the Divine Luminary Legion?" Elder Martial's decision surprised Verdant Rainbow.

The Divine Luminary Legion was a trump card among the Seven Luminaries Alliance's trump card legions. It was a gathering of chosen ones from multiple generations. Although it had no sixth-floor experts, it was one of the few trump cards that allowed the Seven Luminaries Alliance to combat royal powers. By having the Divine Luminary Legion assist Zero Wing, the Seven Luminaries Alliance would be giving up on a plot of land in Everlasting City.

"Do it." Elder Martial nodded. "It'll be worth it if we can befriend a Mortal God."

"I understand." Upon hearing Elder Martial's reasoning, Verdant Rainbow felt that his decision made sense.

In a situation where none of the various human powers had sixth-floor experts, the existence of the first human sixth-floor expert was akin to a banner. It was especially so now that Purgatory Jade had revealed herself before the various powers of the three races. Once the competition was over, Verdant Rainbow could imagine many powers from all three races trying to curry favor and establish partnerships with Purgatory Jade. The various human powers, in particular, would try to obtain her method and experience in reaching the sixth-floor standard.

While the Seven Luminaries Alliance might be an apex power, it

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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