Chapter 930 - Another Mortal God?
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"A Mortal God?!"

"Impossible! How could she have reached that realm?!"

The five spectating Evil Nature members gawked at Purgatory Jade.

The sixth-floor standard, also known as the Mortal God realm, was akin to a myth. This was true for the human race, the Crystallian race, and the Holy Race. According to legend, anyone who reached the sixth-floor standard would become a god among mortals, invincible among those of the same tier. Until now, Ink Crystal from the Crystallian race was the only person known to have reached the sixth-floor standard. They hadn't expected to meet a second one here.

Mortal Gods were considered invincible against opponents of the same tier not just because their powerful Concentration could drastically reduce their Concentration consumption but also because they were capable of Manifold Execution. They could fuse two Peak Gold-ranked techniques to achieve unimaginable destructive power.

There was no doubt that Purgatory Jade was a Mortal God. The miniature world she had formed with her shields was obviously a fusion of Collapsing Earth and a combat technique of similar rank. Seeing as she could fuse two Peak Gold Combat Techniques, she must have reached the sixth-floor standard.

"This is truly unexpected. First, there was that little girl from the Crystallian race. Now, there is you." Unseeing Demon stared at Purgatory Jade, his eyes brimming with fighting spirit. The sixth-floor standard was a realm that every fifth-floor expert in God's Domain yearned to reach, and he was no exception. "Come, then! Let me experience the power of that legendary realm!"

After saying so, Unseeing Demon gathered his Holy Aura at his fists again, forming a series of illusory, pitch-black miniature worlds.

"As you wish!" Purgatory Jade did not hesitate to clash with Unseeing Demon.

Subsequently, Purgatory Jade and the miniature world enveloping her transformed into a beam of light that shot at Unseeing Demon. In response, Unseeing Demon threw all six of his fists again, launching a black beam at Purgatory Jade.

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