Chapter 913 - Suffocation
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Desolate Star City, Auction Venue:

As time passed, more and more guests gathered in the auction venue's lobby because of the commotion Crocodile Fang caused. Many of these guests looked at Shi Feng's group sympathetically.

Angel's Retribution was the Angel Sanctuary's number one power. No matter how extraordinary the power backing Desolate Star City was, even it would likely have to defer to Angel's Retribution. It was especially so when this situation involved Crocodile Fang.

Crocodile Fang was a famous bully in the Angel Sanctuary. He was the pampered son of Golden Leo, Angel's Retribution's Guild Leader, who had an absolute say over the Guild. Because of this, he could go about his bullying fearlessly and only had to be wary of the executives of apex powers.

"Miss Shuoyun, are you done with your call? What did Miss River say?" Crocodile Fang asked tentatively when he saw Shuoyun had ended her call.

While Crocodile Fang might be a prodigal and a tyrant, he wasn't a fool. If he were to take action in King's Paradise's territory, even if King's Paradise's Lunar River chose not to say anything about it, she would be dissatisfied with him. Who knew what she would do to him in the future? He wasn't strong enough to ignore King's Paradise's retaliation, either.

Thus, he needed to know Lunar River's stance.

If Lunar River decided not to care about this matter, he could deal with Xia Qingying's group at will. If she reacted negatively to his intentions, he would have to tone down his actions as a show of respect to King's Paradise. If she expressed anger toward his intentions and had him get lost, he would have no choice but to give up on his persecution of Xia Qingying's group today and find an opportunity some other day. After all, he'd be provoking King's Paradise if he continued to take action after Lunar River's warning.

While King's Paradise might have chosen to operate behind the scenes in God's Domain after failing in its challenge to become an apex power over half a century ago, it still wasn't an opponent that

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