Chapter 912 - King's Paradise
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Desolate Star City, City Lord's Manor:

The City Lord's Manor was a majestic building levitating a thousand meters above Desolate Star City. Its top-floor reception room had a panoramic view of the entire city.

Many of the Starlight Continent's heavyweights had gathered in the top-floor reception room. These heavyweights included City Lords of first-tier cities, helmsmen of conglomerates, and presidents of corporations with branches in hundreds of mobile cities. Individuals such as the heirs of conglomerates and City Lords of second-tier cities were not qualified to sit here.

Although over a hundred people sat at the round table in the middle of the room, most kept their mouths shut. They didn't even dare to breathe loudly, staying as silent as possible as they observed the two young women at the main host and main guest seats.

Of the two young women, one exuded the aura of a noble princess; the other, the aura of an army general. The former was none other than the Galaxy Conglomerate's Fourth Princess Frey, while the latter was King's Paradise's First Vice Guild Leader Lunar River.

"Miss Frey, do you have anything to add to our partnership? You don't have to hold back with me," Lunar River said, smiling with satisfaction as she looked at the stack of mostly signed contracts in her hands. "So long as you can provide us with 10,000 of Shadowring Town's priority entry slots long-term, any conditions are negotiable."

"Miss River, that is a huge demand. The Red Dragon Nation only has 30,000 priority slots. The most we can give you is 5,000 slots," Frey said, exasperated by Lunar River's appetite.

This wasn't the first time Lunar River had brought up Shadowring Town's priority entry slots in their three-hour discussion. On the contrary, she had mentioned it many times. This situation gave Frey a huge headache.

Unlike in the past, Shadowring Town was now overcrowded with players at all times. As soon as someone stepped out of the town, someone else would immediately take their place. Some human and Holy Race players would

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