Chapter 76: People
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 76: People

The shadow looked slender and normal. At least the head was not detached from the body. Jiang Cheng stared at the shadow and didn’t dare to move.

“Get up.” The person said. When Jiang Cheng heard the voice, his body trembled. It was a young voice. The person was female and probably around thirty. Her voice was deep like she was talking in a low register on purpose. Jiang Cheng slowly stood up. He didn’t say anything or turn around. He didn’t even move one step.

“You can turn around now,” The woman said.

Jiang Cheng hesitated, “Then, you have to promise you won’t kill me.”

“Okay,” The woman said, “I promise.”

“I’m afraid that is not enough,” Jiang Cheng raised his hands higher. His hands were placed higher than his head. He thought about it and said, “Why don’t you swear on it?”

The woman started to cough violently. When the coughing petered away, she continued, “That sounds so troublesome. I should just kill you.”

Jiang Cheng instantly turned around. “Never mind. You don’t need to swear. Based on your voice, I know you’re a beauty. Beauties never lie because they have horrible ends if they do. I once knew a beautiful sister. She was crushed by machinery because she lied.”

The woman was silent before saying, “Actually, you can open your eyes.”

Jiang Cheng kept his eyes closed, and he sidled over to Fatty. He kicked Fatty. When he heard a mumble from the man on the ground, he asked Fatty, “Fatty, how are you feeling?”

“I…” Fatty said blurrily as if he had just woken up. Then, his voice filled with panic. “Who is this woman? Where are the three security guards?”

Jiang Cheng didn’t answer. After a while, he repeated, “Fatty?”

“Doctor, I’m here.” Fatty climbed up shakily. He didn’t even pat away the dust on his body as he stared at the strange woman. He had never seen this woman at the school before.

“Fatty, are you alright?” Jiang Cheng asked for the third time.

“Doctor, I’m fine.” Fatty seemed to remember something, and he groused. “If you hadn’t sold me out, I would have felt better.”

“Are… you still a

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