Chapter 77: Chen Yao
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 77: Chen Yao

“Her name was Chen Yao,” Department Head Li stared at Jiang Cheng before saying.

Fatty just woke up, and his brain wasn’t working yet. He asked subconsciously, “Who?”

“The missing girl in the files.” The woman suddenly paused. She turned around and resumed in an oppressed tone, “Or the ghost you’re looking for.”

Once she said the word ghost, Fatty and Jiang Cheng shared a look. There were some NPCs who could sense the supernatural, like Feng Lan. However, Department Head Li was the first to point out the existence of a ghost so directly.

Jiang Cheng looked at her and asked, “Do you know her?” Based on known clues, the girl met the incident about ten years ago. The woman must have worked for quite some time at the school to have reached her current position. They might… have interacted.

Fatty seemed to have come to the same conclusion. He asked with hesitation, “Have you… met her? Or was she your student?”

The woman’s face was shielded by the mask and glasses, so they couldn’t see her expression. However, her voice fluctuated. She was not as unfazed as she appeared. Fatty had more confidence in his guess. The woman lifted her head. Fatty felt like he was staring into the abyss when he looked into the woman’s glasses. He shivered involuntarily.

“I was her classmate,” The woman admitted.

Fatty widened his eyes.

Jiang Cheng hesitated before covering it naturally. He looked at the woman, nodded and asked in an even tone, “Year 09 Dance Major Ballet Class Two?”

“Yes.” Department Head Li nodded.

“That’s not right.” Fatty recovered and said agitatedly, “I don’t remember seeing you in the class picture.” Fatty quickly regretted it. No one could have recognised the woman in her current appearance. Furthermore, the picture was taken ten years ago. The woman moved her gaze to Fatty. The latter’s face instantly paled. Thankfully, Jiang Cheng spoke up to pull back her attention, “Can you give us more details?”

“He’s not wrong,” The woman began, “I was not in the picture because I joined the class in the middle of the

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