Chapter 78: Solo
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 78: Solo

“Doctor…” Fatty started shivering again. He whispered under his breath to warn Jiang Cheng. However, when he felt a pinch around his waist, he shut up again. Jiang Cheng’s meaning was clear. Fatty consoled himself. If he could see the issues with Department Head Li, Jiang Cheng could as well. He probably had figured out how to escape.

“How did Chen Yao die?” Jiang Cheng asked again.

Department Head Li raised her head. The face under the glasses felt unfamiliar to them. Soon, the coarse voice rang, “She hanged herself.”

“Was it a suicide?”

The woman nodded. “Yes.”

To be honest, Fatty didn’t trust the woman before them. Chen Yao might be real. She could be the ghost who came back. But… Fatty pursed his lips as sweat trickled down his neck. Who could say the woman before them was not Chen Yao? She could be the ghost.

Fatty wanted to grab Jiang Cheng's camera to test his theory. He had just extended his hand when he received a murderous look from Jiang Cheng. Fatty trembled and pulled his hand back. When Fatty took another look, Jiang Cheng reverted to normal. The latter looked at the woman, and the edges of his lips were tight as he waited for the answer.

“Chen Yao was a new student from 09,” The woman began slowly. Her coarse voice instantly brought them back in time.

“I was a grade older than her. I was her senior. I was the hostess during their batch’s icebreaker ceremony. She performed during the event. That was how we met. She was very beautiful. She could dance and sing. She was radiant during the event and grabbed many people’s attention. I noticed her grace and talent in ballet, so I suggested that she switch to ballet as her major.” She paused before explaining, “She joined the school to attend the contemporary dance major.”

“Dance Class One?” Jiang Cheng asked.

“Yes.” The woman nodded. “That is the biggest regret of my life.” Her voice was low, and her lips arched into a strange curve.

She personally sent her love rival to her fiance… Fatty thought no wonder her hatred is so deep. Of course, he wo

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