Chapter 79: Plan
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 79: Plan

Even Fatty could guess who Chen Yao wanted to ask to be her dance partner. It was her teacher and Li Yanwei’s fiance, Su Yu. Li Yanwei’s tone started to tremble uncontrollably. Just telling the story was torture for her.

“From that moment onwards, Chen Yao kept trying to get close to Su Yu using the excuse of dance practice. She tried to delay their training during the day so that she could get Su Yu to stay overnight to accompany her during practice at night. She made chances for them to be alone.

“The higher-ups valued the success of this performance. Su Yu also just joined the school. He had been looking for a chance to prove himself. Plus…” Li Yanwei gritted her teeth, “Who would have thought an innocent girl would have such a plotting heart?

“I was definitely blind back then!”

Jiang Cheng and Fatty listened quietly. They didn’t say anything and they stopped comforting her. Compared to her experience, her words of comfort would have felt empty.

Li Yanwei calmed down for a few seconds before resuming, “As the interactions between the two became more intimate, and some of the physical interactions were beyond normal teaching, Su Yu started to feel something was wrong. Chen Yao’s feelings for him had gone beyond what was appropriate. Realising this, Su Yu started to distance himself from Chen Yao. He was fearful of her. He delayed as many training sessions as he could. He stopped going to the dance classroom at night to train with Chen Yao.”

At this point, Jiang Cheng suddenly interrupted, “Where is the dance classroom?”

“Block C.” Li Yanwei looked at Jiang Cheng and said pointedly, “You’ve been there before. It’s the music classroom used for rehearsals.

“After that incident, the school was pressured to dissolve the whole dance course. All the male staff was let go, and the dance classroom was sealed. It was not until last year when the new school admin came that the place was modified into the current music classroom.”

Fatty asked hesitantly, “Chen Yao… killed herself in that music classroom?”

“Yes.” Li

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