Chapter 80: Sunglasses
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 80: Sunglasses

“Do they die in the same way?”


“What about the time of death?” Jiang Cheng pressured.

“People started to die the day after Chen Yao’s suicide. It was the guards.” Li Yanwei nodded as she said, “It only stopped…” She thought about it and then added as if struck by inspiration. “Before the third rehearsal! That’s right!” She reminisced, “It has to be before the third rehearsal! Because of her incident, the preparation was on a time crunch. Some of the bigger performances had very late rehearsals. The third rehearsal started at midnight!” She said agitatedly, “I remember it very clearly!”

Midnight rehearsal… Nine deaths in total…

Fatty calculated in his mind. Based on what Xu Wen said, the imminent rehearsal would be at midnight. Coincidentally, there were nine travellers for this mission. Fatty’s face paled. Was the tragedy from ten years ago going to repeat itself?

“Miss Li,” Jiang Cheng suddenly said.

Fatty’s thoughts were interrupted. He turned to look at Jiang Cheng. This strange man was his lifesaver. He didn’t know about the rest, but he was sure Jiang Cheng was going to live. Fatty pressed his lips, and he swore to hold onto Jiang Cheng. “Even if I die, I will die with the doctor!”

When Li Yanwei turned her head to him, Jiang Cheng asked in a gentle tone, “Do you mind if I call you that?”

Li Yanwei pulled Fatty back to reality. “I don’t mind.”

“Miss Li,” Jiang Cheng put his buttons back on and said, “I have an offensive question. I hope you won’t mind.”

Li Yanwei’s brows twitched. A few seconds later, she continued in her even tone, “Do ask.”

Jiang Cheng tilted his head. “If what you said about Chen Yao is true, and she killed out of vengeance. Then…” He lifted his head to look at Li Yanwei’s eyes behind her sunglasses, “Why are you still alive? As Su Yu’s fiance, I can’t figure out a reason for her not to kill you. Why did she leave you be?”

The atmosphere froze. Fatty didn’t even dare to breathe. This was too sudden. Fatty thought Jiang Cheng was about to act dumb and leave this woman be

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