Chapter 75: Friends
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 75: Friends

Three female guards with wide shoulders stood at the door. Their faces were cold. It was hard to tell how long they had been there already.

“Thieves…” The leading guard waved the black baton she was holding. She gritted her teeth from anger. They had seen the three guards before at Room 304 in Block C. They were the ones who caught Luo Yi.

Back then, Fatty laughed at Luo Yi, saying that he couldn’t outrun a few middle-aged women. He realised he was wrong. A few seconds later, he heard Jiang Cheng take in a deep breath and shout, “Fatty! Run!”

Fatty reacted to the order. He charged out the door. His large body gave him a lot of power. The charging Fatty was like a rolling tank.


Facing Fatty, the two guards didn’t even move. The leading guard only put one foot out to move forward to block Fatty. Fatty slammed into her. The woman took half a step back. Her face didn’t even change. However, Fatty was sent flying back from the rebound. He tasted blood in his mouth. Fatty’s soul almost departed from this collision. It reminded him of his accident when he was riding a motorcycle. Fatty staggered a few steps before collapsing at the corner. Everything in his eyes had multiple copies. The female guards appeared to have grown several few more limbs.

He tried to turn his head because he was still worried about Jiang Cheng. He wanted to see if Jiang Cheng managed to escape. In his mind, he was weirdly confident in Jiang Cheng. This man definitely had a way to escape. Once he escaped, he would come back to save him. He was a man with a soft heart but a sharp tongue. Whenever they were in danger, he would… Fatty’s eyes watered from the firm bond he and Jiang Cheng shared.

“Doctor…” He called out softly.

The figure before his eyes flickered. He saw a familiar figure being surrounded by three guards. The figure did not panic and stood with his back straight. He removed the camera and then his jacket. As Fatty widened his eyes, thinking that Jiang Cheng was about to show his true power, he saw Jiang Cheng raise his han

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