Chapter 74: Woman's Ocean
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 74: Woman's Ocean

Or were there other secrets in Block C? Regardless, this was not good news for them. He couldn’t figure out why the ghost didn’t go for Fatty and Jiang Cheng but him.

“Stop overthinking,” Xu Wen stared ahead with caution. “From now on, unless necessary, don’t touch anything.”

“But…” Zhou Taifu’s face was pale as he had just recovered from the fear. “There are things we have to…” Xu Wen shot Zhou Taifu a look. The latter followed Xu Wen’s gaze and noticed a small, frail frame. Feng Lan walked in the front, using her phone to shine the way. She reminded them in a whisper, “Miss Xu, Mr. Zhou, it’s a bit dark ahead. Be careful of where you step.”

“You better worry about yourself…” Zhou Taifu said under his breath.

Creak… Creak…

Inside the female toilet at the intersection, there was the sound of friction. It was not loud, but it had a captivating power. It was the sound that could make one lose their soul. The silent wind coursed through the toilet. The black leather rope left by the sink moved. It turned and tumbled towards the ground. However, before it could hit the floor, the rope halted in mid-air. It was like an invisible hand had caught it.

A few minutes ago, Xu Wen, Zhou Taifu and Feng Lan left in a hurry. They were in such a hurry that they didn’t notice that while the two women had left, Zhou Taifu…

The sky darkened. The female toilet blurred. Everything became a black silhouette. Everything was crushed and embedded into the darkness. Glints of light blinked in the mirror. It was from a dagger. The dagger was held by a shadow whose face was hidden.

Fatty stared at the only man in the picture, and various scenarios entered his mind. The dead ballet dancer, the missing male teacher, the graduation in two terms, the change of school name, and the lifeless graduation picture… The combination of these clues led to a tragedy.

“Doctor,” There was a heaviness in Fatty’s voice, “I believe that male teacher did something to the girl. The girl committed suicide from shame and came back to haunt the school af

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