Chapter 73: Strange
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 73: Strange

“Oh, right.” Feng Lan’s heart pounded rapidly, and her cheeks flushed. Her fingers twined together, and she tried to say calmly, “Thank you, Miss Xu.”

Zhou Taifu looked at Feng Lan who had forgotten he was there and was speechless. Xu Wen didn’t like this situation. Therefore, she changed the topic. She turned and urged, “Let’s go, Miss Feng.”


As Feng Lan walked past him, Xu Wen took a step forward to look into the cubicle Feng Lan just vacated. The door was open so she could look into it clearly. A few seconds later, her tense face relaxed. She finally understood everything. There were two footprints on the rim of the white toilet bowl. Feng Lan should be squatting on the toilet bowl. That was why Xu Wen didn’t see her legs through the gap in the door.

“Miss Xu?” Feng Lan was almost out of the toilet when she realised Xu Wen was not with her. She turned around and saw Xu Wen standing before the cubicle.

“Coming.” Xu Wen reacted and walked away.

“What were you looking at?”

“I think I saw a rat.” Xu Wen lied with ease. She acted frightened as she patted her chest, “I am so scared of those things. I was dazed by it.” Perhaps because she was an NPC or because she was blinded by affection, Feng Lan accepted this excuse. Zhou Taifu sighed. If only all the NPC in the missions were so easily-fooled.

As they were about to leave, Feng Lan suddenly ran to the sink, switched on the faucet, dampened her hands and squeezed the sanitiser. Zhou Taifu and Xu Wen watched her. They were glad that they found Feng Lan to be their guide. At least, in this matter, they were better than the groups from 404 and 405.

Speaking of…

Xu Wen and Zhou Taifu thought of Jiang Cheng and the words he said. Things like the ghost’s hand was twice his size, he was in his puberty and so on.

Zhen Jianren was probably dead. They wondered how Hao Shuai and Fatty were doing. Whether they had found Department Head Li and what information they had gotten from her. Or had they been killed?

The mission was about to end. The ghost would only

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