Chapter 72: Disappearance
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 72: Disappearance

Xu Wen’s brows furrowed. She stopped to stare at Feng Lan, “What did you say?” Being stared at by Xu Wen, Feng Lan became awkward. She instinctually thought that she had said something to annoy Miss Xu. Afraid of being misunderstood, she shook her hands embarrassedly. “It’s nothing, Miss Xu. We… we should move faster. It’ll be troublesome when it’s dark.”

Perhaps it was still in the day. The entire Block C had no lights on. This caused Feng Lan to trip on the stairs as she led the way in the dimness. If Xu Wen hadn’t moved fast to help her, she might have fallen.

“Thank… you, Miss Xu.” Feng Lan held Xu Wen’s arm. Her cheeks flushed as she gripped Xu Wen’s hands harder.

“Be careful,” Xu Wen reminded her.


The meaningless conversation between the two irritated Zhou Taifu. After they reached Block C, something had been bothering him. It made him short-tempered. He pulled out the dagger and slid it into his sleeve. He pressed it under his wrist. He looked around, ready to deal with any situation.

They came to the fourth floor of Block C. The music classroom was on this floor. Out of safety concerns, Xu Wen decided to take the long detour. This meant that they had to take two more turns and a longer walk to reach the music classroom. The corridor that led to the classroom gave them the impression that it would go on forever. The corridor seemed to end in a blurry mist. And… they were slowly walking into the mist.

“I’m sorry.” Feng Lan apologised softly. She looked at the toilet beside them and looked fidgety.

Zhou Taifu’s expression darkened. “We’ll go to the classroom and leave after we find the lens. We’ll be out soon. Then, you can…”

Feng Lan held her stomach, and her face paled. “Mr. Zhou, I’m sorry. Please wait for me.” Then, she ran into the toilet, leaving Zhou Taifu and Xu Wen outside. Using the toilet there… reminded them instantly of Long Tao. His open eyes when he died and his missing jaw.

Zhou Taifu lowered his voice, “What should we do now?” The human mind wandered in extreme silence. The a

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