Chapter 71: Picture
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 71: Picture

Based on the files from the file room, there were only two classes in the dance major in 09. The first class had eleven students, and the second class had nine students. While Fatty checked the information for Class One, Jiang Cheng turned the pages to Class Two. Class One focused on modern dance, and Class Two was for ballet.

The first page was a group picture. The second class had nine students. They were all girls. They looked so young. They just joined the school, their eyes glowing with anticipation for the future. Nine girls posed in front of their ballet uniform while a few teachers stood behind them. Based on the background, they should be in the studio. There was a wall of mirrors. There was the barre beside the mirrors.

The picture looked normal. After the picture came the pages of information on the students. However, there were only eight pages while there should be nine. One page had been torn off. There were uneven bite marks at the root.

“Why is there a page missing?” Fatty frowned and asked directly. Clearly, someone had purposely removed that page, and Fatty instantly thought the culprit was Luo Yi.

Fatty turned to the last page. It was another group picture. There was a small row of words underneath the picture. Fatty had to lean forward to see what was written.

Graduation Picture of 09 Dance Major Classic Ballet Class Two. The lower right corner showed that the picture was taken on December 09.

Graduation… Fatty stared at the word, and then, his eyes widened.

“Doctor!” He turned around to gasp, “That’s not right! They entered the school in 09, so how did they manage to graduate in the same year?” Then, he suddenly paused. He thought of something and whipped his head to look at the office table and the calendar on it. The calendar also paused on December 09.

Could it be…

“Continue,” Jiang Cheng walked over and interrupted Fatty’s thought. The latter moved his focus back to the notebook he was holding. The graduation picture looked normal, but slowly, Fatty’s eyes coloured with confusion.

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