Chapter 47: Clever
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 47: Clever

“His jaw is gone,” Luo Yi observed. His expression was curious as if he were confused. Moments later, he added, “Just like the woman who died earlier.”

They failed to locate the woman’s jaw at the crime scene.

Zhou Taifu shivered as if he was reminded of something scary. He said with shivering lips, “It’s the ghost… It’s the ghost who took their jaws!” It was an obvious thing to say, but it still made the atmosphere darker.

Jiang Cheng stood beside the corpse. He was deep in thought. Xuan Wen noticed him and walked over to ask, “What are you thinking about?”

Jiang Cheng shrugged as he finished his reverie. He stared at the body and then said, “Pay attention to his eyes.” Long Tao’s eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. His pupils widened. His eyes were red with blood and thick with fear. He looked up with exaggeration. His death was horrifying, but this time, someone noticed something else.

At the same time, Xu Wen and Zhen Jianren picked up something. They lifted their heads to look at the ceiling.

The ceiling was empty. The spot where the lightbulb should be was empty but for a bunch of wires as well as a pool of mysterious, yellow stain.

Xu Wen adjusted her breathing and pulled her gaze back. This was not unfamiliar…

It was the same as when they found the woman in the qipao. Before they died… the last thing they did was look up. They couldn’t understand and resist the existence that appeared above them. They had been in this world for less than twenty-four hours. Of the nine people, only seven remained. Two people had died, but the group still had no idea how they died. The strange ram hoove prints were not actual evidence.

The atmosphere was oppressive as they headed back. Fatty wanted to say something but was shut down by Jiang Cheng by his gaze.

When they returned to their room, the first thing Fatty did once the door closed was to rush to Jiang Cheng’s side, “Doctor, the ghost here can kill people in the day! This is too scary!”

Jiang Cheng sat on his bed and nodded. “It looks like the gh

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