Chapter 46: Imprints
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 46: Imprints

The corridor was too deep and quiet… like it had no ending. They didn’t feel that way when the lady was leading them, but this looked like the typical start of a horror flick. When they turned the last corner, the group reached the end of the corridor.

The left was the female bathroom, and the right… Jiang Cheng saw the rusted, half-ajar door, and a curious expression crossed his brows.

“Here.” Xu Wen raised her chin to point at the male bathroom, “Go in and check.” No one questioned her because everyone smelled the scent of blood. The closer they got to the door, the stronger the scent. In the end, it was Luo Yi who pushed the door open further.

The moment he did that, he jumped back. The bathroom was very dim. None of them entered the bathroom instantly but waited to get used to the dark environment. Slowly, the scene inside the room clarified.

Zhou Taifu, who was forced to the front, slid down to the floor. Zhang Yinyin’s lips paled from fright. Her teeth kept trembling, and she couldn’t say anything.

Long Tao was standing before them with his head slightly raised. His body was frozen and he looked like he had just been hauled out of a blood pool. Like the woman in the qipao, his chin was gone. The exposed gum was ugly and glaring. The broken teeth were chipped in the flesh. They were like maggots wiggling. Fatty felt like the content of his stomach churning around.

There was spray-patterned blood everywhere.

Blood was on the mirror, sink and even the mouldy ceiling… Clearly, the murder happened in an instant. Long Tao’s chip was snapped off. The trace of tearing was visible. One could even see the oesophagus and other broken fragments.

Xu Wen was the first to walk forward. Jiang Cheng followed her. The two were very careful to pick where to put their feet. The sound of the shoes against the pool of blood was slippery and eerie.

The corpse’s arms dangled weakly. Jiang Cheng examined the body and realised the victim’s arm muscles were very tense. There was no sign of struggle, and the scene was well-pres

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