Chapter 41: Are We Sure?
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 41: Are We Sure?

Jiang Cheng turned to meet the old man’s eyes and then turned back away. “Get the camera.” He told the other man, “Let’s leave.” Just as they were about to leave…


Hearing that, everyone paused and turned back. The elder shuffled over with difficulty. He held a black bag in his hand.

“Since your camera is broken, you can use this for now.” Before the man from Room 406 could react, the elder shoved the black bag into his hands. The man had no idea what the elder meant, and he subconsciously wanted to push the bag back. However, the elder didn’t give him the choice. He turned and returned back to the yard. Then, the gate closed with a creak.

Inside the bag was a black camera. The model was old, and some of the corners had been ground off to reveal the metal underneath. However, it was still usable.

Fatty looked at the camera and grumbled worriedly, “What is this? A reward we got for triggering some side quest?”

“No.” Jiang Cheng stared at the closed gate and shook his head. “This is not a side quest.” After all, the mission had explained at the start that the stuff they needed had been sent to the Prop Room. Therefore, they had to come here eventually. Perhaps the cameras were meant to be broken. In other words, everything that happened since they arrived at the building had been preordained. Like the woman at the start, the elder was also an NPC. His purpose was to deliver this camera to the players.

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s analysis, the man who held the camera was very scared. His body trembled, and he looked like he was about to drop the camera, like there was a ghost hiding inside it. No one came to console him. Consolation was the cheapest thing, besides kindness, in the nightmare realm. It did nothing but to expose your stupidity. At this place, stupidity was the original sin.

Jiang Cheng walked over and took the camera. He examined it and placed it in the black bag. Then, he slung the bag around the man’s neck. He patted his shoulder. “Don’t be scared. Focus on the positive. I think you’ll be fine

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